Saturday, 31 March 2012 11:06
Definitions :
The terms given below denote the following:
BFF : Bangladesh Football Federation
FIFA : Federation International de Football Association
AFC : Asian Football Confederation
SAFF : South Asian Football Federation
Association : A football Association/Federation recognized by and a Member of
League : An organization subordinate to an Association/Federation.
Regional Association: An organization subordinate to the Federation.
Confederation : A group of Associations recognized by FIFA and belonging to the
same continent or similar geographical area.
Affiliated club/
members : Member of the Football Federation (that is itself a Member of FIFA).
New Member of the Bangladesh Football Federation.
Officials : All BFF Executive Committee members, committee members,
coaches, referees, assistant referees as well as other people
responsible for the technical, medical and administrative matters
at FIFA, a Confederation, Association/Federation, League or Club.
Player : A football player registered with Bangladesh Football Federation.
Congress : The supreme body of BFF.
Committee : The Executive body of BFF.
Member : A legal or natural person that has been admitted into membership of BFF by the Congress.
New A legal organization that has been admitted into membership of BFF
by the Congress.
Association Football: The game controlled by FIFA and organized in accordance with
the laws of the Game.
IFAB : The International Football Association Board.
NB: References to natural persons include both genders. The singular case applies to
the plural and vice-versa.
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ARTICLE 1: Name, headquarters, legal form
1BFF is a private organization of an associative nature in compliance with the legislation of Bangladesh. It is formed for an unlimited period.
2The headquarters of Bangladesh Football Federation shall be in Dhaka.
3BFF is a member of FIFA, AFC and also affiliated with South Asian Football Federation.
New 3BFF is a member of FIFA, AFC and SAFF.
4The flag of BFF is of blue colour and the logo of BFF is imprinted in the middle.
5The logo of BFF of shield type dimension and inscribed by a football and Rice cluster.
6The abbreviation of the Bangladesh Football Federation is BFF.
7The flag, logo and abbreviation are legally registered with FIFA, AFC and SAFF.
ARTICLE 2: Objectives
The objectives of BFF are:
a) to improve the game of football constantly and promote, regulate and control it throughout the territory of Bangladesh in the light of fair play and its unifying, educational, cultural and humanitarian values, particularly through youth and development programmes;
b) to organize competitions of Football in all its forms at a national level, by defining precisely, as required, the areas of authority conceded to the various Leagues and Associations, which are members of BFF;
c) to draw up regulations and provisions and ensure their enforcement;
d) to protect the interests of the Members of BFF;
e) to respect and prevent any infringement of the statutes, regulations, directives and decisions of FIFA, AFC and BFF as well as the Laws of the Game and to ensure that these are also respected by its Members.
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f) To prevent all methods or practices which might jeopardise the integrity of matches or competitions or give rise to abuse of BFF.
New To prevent all methods or practices which might jeopardise the integrity of
matches or competitions or give rise to abuse of BFF football.
g) To control and supervise all football matches of all forms played throughout the territory of BFF;
h) To manage international sporting relations connected with Bangladesh Football Federation in all its forms;
i) To host competitions at international and other levels;
j) To organize benevolent support to players, organizers and officials.
ARTICLE 3: Neutrality and non-discrimination
1BFF is neutral in matters of politics and racism. Bangladesh Football Federation if not discard discrimination of any kind against a country, private person or groups of people on account of ethic, origin, gender, language, religion, politics or any other reason shall be punishable by suspension or expulsion.
New 1BFF is neutral in matters of politics and religion. Discrimination of any kind against a country, private person or groups of people on account of ethnic, origin, gender, language, religion, politics or any other reason shall be punishable by suspension or expulsion.
ARTICLE 4: Promoting friendly relations
1BFF shall promote friendly relations between its Members, Clubs, Officials and Players and in society for humanitarian objectives.
2Every person and organization involved in the game of football is obliged to observe the Statutes, regulations and the principles of fair play as well as the principles of loyalty, integrity and sportsmanship.
3BFF shall provide the necessary institutional means to resolve any internal dispute that may arise between Members, Clubs, Officials and Players of BFF.
ARTICLE 5: Players Status
New ARTICLE 5: Players
1The status of Players and the provisions for their transfer shall be regulated by the Executive Committee of BFF through player’s status committee in accordance with the current FIFA Regulations for the Status and Transfer of Players.
1Players shall be registered in accordance with the regulations of BFF.
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ARTICLE 6: Laws of the Game
BFF and its Members play Football in compliance with the Laws of the Game issued by IFAB and published by FIFA. Only IFAB may lay down and alter the laws of the Game.
ARTICLE 7: Conduct of bodies and Officials
The bodies and Officials of BFF must observe the Statutes, regulations, directives, decisions and the Code of Ethics of FIFA, of AFC and of BFF in their activities.
ARTICLE 8: Official languages
1The official language(s) of BFF shall be Bangla and English. Official documents and texts shall be written in these languages. In the event of any divergence between the interpretation of texts in different languages, the text written in English shall be regarded as authoritative.
2The official language at the Congress of BFF shall be Bangla/English.
ARTICLE 9: Admission, Suspension and Expulsion
1The Congress of BFF shall decide whether to admit, suspend or expel a Member.
2Admission may be granted if the applicant fulfills the requirements of BFF.
3Membership is terminated by resignation or expulsion. Loss of membership does not relieve the Member from its financial obligations towards BFF or other Members of BFF, but leads to cancellation of all rights in relation of BFF.
ARTICLE 10: Admission
Bangladesh Football Federation may consider the membership application to the effect that its membership structure best suited to the development of football in Bangladesh. This should also examine the issue of who are entitled to be members of divisional and district associations.
New Bangladesh Football Federation may consider the membership application to the effect that its membership structure best suited to the development of football in Bangladesh.
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1The Members of BFF are:
a) Clubs, participating in the Professional League, Dhaka Metropolis League who satisfy the criteria for membership and whose membership has been approved by the Congress of BFF.
b) Divisional and District Football Associations, who satisfy the criteria for membership of BFF laid down in the statutes.
c) The BFF Referees Association set up in accordance with the criteria of AFC and BFF and whose membership has been approved by the Congress of BFF.
d) The BFF Coaches Association set up in accordance with the criteria of AFC and BFF and whose membership has been approved by the Congress of BFF.
e) The National Women's Sports Association/Women Football Association.
f) Bangladesh Army, Bangladesh Air force, Bangladesh Navy, Bangladesh Police, Universities, National Sports Council and Educational Boards (approved by BFF).
2Any body wishing to become a Member of BFF shall apply in writing to the general secretariat of BFF.
3The application for membership must be accompanied by the following mandatory items:
a) a copy of the applicant's legally valid statutes and regulations.
b) a declaration that it will always comply with the Statutes, regulations and decisions of BFF, FIFA and AFC and ensure that these are also respected by its own Members, Clubs, Officials and Players;
c) a declaration that it will comply with the Laws of the Game in force;
d) a declaration that it recognizes the Arbitration Court of BFF (if applicable) and the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne, Switzerland.
e) a declaration that it is located and registered in the territory of BFF;
f) a declaration that it will play all official home matches in the territory of BFF;
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g) a declaration to the effect that the legal composition of the applicant guarantees that it can make decisions independently of any external entity;
h) a list of Officials, specifying those who are authorized signatories, with the right to enter into legally binding agreements with third parties;
i) a declaration that it undertakes to organize or participate in matches only with the prior consent of BFF.
j) a copy of the minutes of its last congress or constitutional meeting.
ARTICLE 11: Request and procedure of application
The procedure for admission shall be regulated by special regulations approved by the Executive Committee of BFF.
The Executive Committee shall request the Congress either to admit or not to admit an applicant. The applicant may state the reasons for its application to the Congress.
The new Member shall acquire membership rights and duties as soon as it has been admitted. Its delegates are eligible to vote and be elected with immediate effect.
ARTICLE 12: Members' rights
The Members of BFF have the following rights:
a) to take part in the Congress of BFF, to know its agenda in advance, to be called to the Congress with the prescribed time and to exercise their voting rights;
b) to draw up proposals for inclusion in the agenda of the Congress;
c) to nominate candidates for all bodies and positions of BFF to be elected;
d) to be informed of the affairs of BFF through the official bodies of BFF;
e) to take part in the competitions and/or other football activities organized by BFF;
f) to exercise all other rights arising from the Statutes and regulations of BFF.
2. Standard Statutes. (New)
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ARTICLE 13: Members' obligations
The Members of BFF have the following obligations:
a) to comply fully with the Statutes, regulations, directives and decisions of FIFA, AFC and BFF at all times and to ensure that these are also respected by its members;
b) to ensure the election of its decision-making bodies;
c) to take part in the competitions and other football activities organized by BFF;
d) to pay their membership subscriptions;
e) to respect the laws of the Game as laid down by IFAB and to ensure that these are also respected by its members through a statutory provision;
f) to adopt a statutory clause specifying that any dispute requiring arbitration involving itself or one of its members and relating to the Statutes, regulations, directives and decisions of FIFA, AFC, BFF or League(s) recognized by BFF shall come solely under the jurisdiction of the appropriate Arbitration Tribunal of FIFA, AFC or BFF and that any recourse to Ordinary Courts is prohibited;
g) to communicate to BFF any amendment of its Statutes and regulations as well as the list of its Officials or persons who are authorised signatories, with the right to enter legally binding agreements with third parties;
h) not to maintain any relations of a sporting nature with entities that are not recognised or with Members that have been suspended or Expelled;
i) to observe the principles of loyalty, integrity and good sporting behavour as an expression of fair play through a statutory provision;
j) to observe the mandatory items specified under article 10.
k) to administer a register of members which shall regularly be updated;
l) to comply fully with all other duties arising from the Statutes and other regulations of FIFA, AFC and BFF.
N.B.: Violation of the above-mentioned obligations by any Member may lead to sanctions provided for in these Statutes.
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ARTICLE 14: Suspension
The Congress is responsible for suspending a Member. The Executive Committee may, however, suspend a Member that seriously and repeatedly violates its obligations as a Member with immediate effect. The suspension shall last until the next Congress, unless the Executive Committee has lifted it in the meantime.
A suspension shall be confirmed at the next Congress by two-thirds of the votes taken. If it is not confirmed, the suspension is automatically lifted.
A suspended Member shall lose its membership rights. Other Members may not entertain sporting contact with a suspended Member.
Members which do not participate in the sports activities of BFF for two consecutive years shall be suspended from voting at the Congress and their representatives shall not be elected or appointed until they have fulfilled their obligations in this respect.
ARTICLE 15: Expulsion
The Congress may expel a Member if:
a) if it fails to fulfill its financial obligations towards BFF;
b) if it seriously violates the Statutes, regulations, directives or decisions of FIFA, AFC and BFF;
c) if any member doesn't participate in the competitions of BFF consecutively for two edition of any single event.
New a) It fails to fulfill its financial obligations towards BFF;
b) It seriously violates the Statutes, regulations, directives or decisions of FIFA, AFC and BFF;
c) Any member doesn't participate in the competitions of BFF consecutively for two edition of any single event.
ARTICLE 16: Resignation
A Member may resign from BFF with effect from the end of BFF's football season. Notice of resignation must reach the general secretariat no later than one month before the end of the football season.
The resignation is not valid until the Member wishing to resign has fulfilled its financial obligations towards BFF and the other Members of BFF.
ARTICLE 17: Status of Clubs, Leagues, Regional Associations and
other groups of Clubs
Clubs, Leagues, Regional Associations or any other groups of Clubs affiliated to BFF shall be subordinate to and recognized by BFF. These Statutes define the scope of authority and the rights and duties of these members Clubs and groups. Their statutes and regulations must be approved by the Executive Committee of BFF.
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The affiliated members of BFF shall take all decisions on any matters regarding their membership independently without interference of any external body. This obligation applies regardless of their corporate structure.
In any case, no natural and Legal person (including holding companies and subsidiaries) shall exercise control over more than one clubs or group wherever the integrity of any match or competition could be Jeopardized.
ARTICLE 18: Honorary member
BFF may bestow the title of honorary member to any organization/person best suited for the development of football in the country.
The Executive Committee shall make these nominations.
The honorary member may take part in the congress. They may join the debates but are not entitled to vote.
ARTICLE 19: Bodies
The Congress is the supreme and legislative body.
The Executive Committee is the executive body.
Standing and ad-hoc committees shall advise and assist the Executive Committee in fulfilling its duties. Their duties, composition and function are defined in these Statutes and/or special regulations drawn up by the Executive Committee
The general secretariat is the administrative body.
The judicial bodies are the Disciplinary Committee and the Appeals Committee.
The bodies of BFF shall be appointed by BFF itself without any external influence and in accordance with the procedures described in these Statutes.
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ARTICLE 20: Definition and composition of the Congress
The Congress is the meeting at which all of the Members of BFF regularly convene. It represents the supreme and legislative authority of BFF. Only a Congress that is regularly convened has the authority to make decision.
A Congress may be an Ordinary or Extraordinary Congress.
The President shall conduct the Congress business in compliance with the standing orders of the Congress.
The Congress may appoint observers who take part in the Congress without the right to debate or to vote.
The honorary members may take part in the Congress. They may join the debates but are not entitled to vote.
ARTICLE 21: Delegates and votes
The Congress is composed of updated affiliated members’ delegates. The number of delegates are allocated as follows:-
a) One delegate each from B. League Clubs
b) One delegate from each Dhaka Senior Division clubs
c) Each Divisional Football Association 1 delegate each
d) Each District Football Association 1 delegate each
e) One delegate each from Dhaka 2nd Div. clubs (top 10 of the latest completed result table of the League).
f) One delegate each from Dhaka 3rd Div. clubs (top 8 teams of latest completed result table of the league)
g) National Sports Council (NSC):- 2 Delegates (without voting right);
h) The BFF Referees Association:- 2 delegates;
i) The BFF Coach’s Association:- 2 delegates;
j) One delegate each from Universities, Secondary Educational Boards (approved by BFF).
k) Bangladesh Women’s Sports Association:- 2 delegates.
l) One delegate each from Bangladesh Army, Bangladesh Navy, Bangladesh
Air force, Bangladesh Police but they will not enjoy voting right.
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Delegates must belong to the Member that they represent and be appointed or elected by the appropriate body of that Member. They must also be able to produce evidence in support of their nominations. One member one vote regardless of the number of Delegates each member is entitled to send. Voting by proxy or by letter is not permitted.
The Executive Committee shall take part in the Congress without voting rights. During the terms of office, members of the Executive Committee may not be appointed as delegates for their club or association.
New The Executive Committee shall take part in the Congress without voting rights. During the congress tenure of the existing Executive Committee shall deem to have been dissolved before the election takes place.
ARTICLE 22: Area of authority
The Congress has the following authority:
a) Adopting or amending the Statutes, regulations governing the application of the Statutes and the standing orders of the Congress;
b) appointing 2 Members to check the minutes and approving the minutes of the last meeting.
c) electing the President, Senior Vice-President, 4 Vice-Presidents and 15 (fifteen) members.
d) appointing the scrutinizers;
e) approving the financial statements;
f) approving the General Secretary's activity report;
g) appointing the independent auditors upon the proposal of the Executive Committee;
h) fixing the membership subscriptions;
i) deciding, upon the nomination of the Executive Committee, whether to bestow the title of honorary member;
j) admitting, suspending or expelling a Member;
k) revoking the mandate of one or a number of member of a body of BFF;
l) dissolving BFF;
m) passing decisions at the request of a Member of accordance with these Statutes;
n) BFF can allocate additional authorities.
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ARTICLE 23: Quorum of the Congress
Decisions passed by the Congress shall only be valid if the absolute majority (50%+1) of the members who are entitled to vote are represented.
If a quorum is not achieved, a second Congress shall take place within 24 hours or within 1 month after the first, with the same agenda.
A quorum is not required for the second meeting unless any item on the agenda proposes the amendment of the Statutes of BFF the election of the President and members of the Executive Committee, the dismissal of one or a number of members of a body of BFF, the Exclusion of a Member of BFF or the dissolution of BFF.
ARTICLE 24: Decisions of the Congress
Unless otherwise stipulated in the Statutes a simple majority of the Members entitled to vote is sufficient for a vote to be valid. The number of valid votes counted shall decide the absolute majority. Spoiled or blank voting slips or any other forms of abstentions are disregarded in calculating the majority.
ARTICLE 25: Elections
Elections shall be conducted by the election Committee/Commission formed by BFF with necessary terms of reference. The voting shall be conducted by secret ballot. The candidate securing the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. The President will organize casting vote if two or more candidates locked in tie.
ARTICLE 26: Ordinary Congress
The Ordinary Congress shall be held every year.
The Executive Committee shall fix the place and date. The Members shall be notified in writing at least 30 (thirty) days in advance.
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ARTICLE 27: Ordinary Congress agenda
The General Secretary shall draw up the agenda based on proposals from the Executive Committee. Any proposal that a Member wishes to submit to the Congress shall be sent to the general secretariat in writing, with a brief Explanation, at least 30 (thirty) days before the date of the Congress.
The Congress agenda shall include the following mandatory items:
a) a declaration that the Congress has been convened and composed in compliance with the Statutes of BFF;
b) approval of the agenda;
c) an address by the President;
d) appointment of 2 Members to check the minutes;
e) appointment of 2 scrutineers;
f) suspension or expulsion of Members:
g) approval of the minutes of the preceding Congress;
h) General Secretary's activity report containing the activities since the last Congress.
i) Presentation of the consolidated and revised balance sheet and the profit and loss statement by the Treasurer.
j) Approval of the financial statements;
k) Approval of the budget;
l) Admission for membership;
m) Votes on proposals for amendments to the Statutes, the regulations governing the application of the Statutes and the standing orders of the Congress:
n) Discussion of proposals submitted by the Members and the Executive Committee;
o) Appointment of independent auditors upon the proposal of the Executive Committee;
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p) Dismissal of a person or body:
q) Election of the Executive Committee;
r) Any further items proposed by the Members of the Executive Committee of BFF.
The agenda of an Ordinary Congress may be altered, provided two-thirds of the Members present at the Congress and eligible to vote to agree to such a motion.
ARTICLE 28: Extraordinary Congress
The Executive Committee may convene an Extraordinary Congress at any time if necessity arises or if two third of the Members of BFF make such a request in writing. The request shall specify the items for the agenda. An Extraordinary Congress shall be held within three months of the request.
The Members shall be notified of the time, date, place and agenda at least 15 days before the date of the Extraordinary Congress. When an Extraordinary Congress is convened upon the request of Members, the agenda must contain the points raised by those Members.
The agenda of an Extraordinary Congress may not be altered.
ARTICLE 29: Amendments to the Statutes.
The Congress is responsible for amending the Statutes, (if applicable, the regulations governing the application of the Statutes and the standing orders of the Congress).
Any proposals for an amendment to the Statutes must be submitted in writing with a brief explanation to the general secretariat by a Member or by the Executive Committee. A proposal submitted by a Member is valid, provided it has been supported in writing by at least 20 other Members.
For a vote on an amendment to the Statutes to be valid, an absolute majority (50%+1) of the Member eligible to vote must be present.
A proposal for an amendment to the Statutes shall be adopted only if two-thirds of the Members present and eligible to vote agree to it.
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Any proposal to amend the regulations governing the application of the Statutes and the standing orders of the Congress must be submitted in writing with a brief explanation to the general secretariat by a Member or by the Executive Committee.
A proposal for an amendment to the regulations governing the application of the Statutes and the standing orders of the Congress shall be adopted only if a simple majority of the Members present and eligible to vote agree to it.
ARTICLE 30: Minutes
The General Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes at the Congress. The minutes shall be checked by those Members designated and finally approved at the next Congress.
ARTICLE 31: Effective dates of decisions
Decisions passed by the Congress shall come into force with immediate effect after the close of the Congress, unless the Congress fixes another date for a decision to take effect.
ARTICLE 32: Composition
The Executive Committee consists of twenty one (21) members:
* 1 President (elected)
* 1 Senior Vice President (elected)
* 4 Vice Presidents (elected)
* 15 Members (elected)
The Executive Committee shall be elected by the Congress. Every candidate in the election of Executive Committee members must be proposed by at least one Member and seconded by another member.
The mandate of the Executive Committee is for four years. They may be re-elected.
The members of the Executive Committee shall be no older than 72 and no younger than 25, at the time of their election to the Executive Committee. They shall have already been active in football, must not have been previously found guilty of a criminal offence and have residency out of the territory of Bangladesh, convicted by the court of law.
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Candidatures must be sent to the general secretariat of BFF. The official list of candidates must be passed to the Members of BFF along with the agenda for the Congress at which the Executive Committee will be elected. The executive committee of BFF will prepare the voter’s list and fix the date of election.
A Member of the Executive Committee may not at the same time be a member of a judicial body of BFF.
If a position should become vacant; the Executive Committee shall fill that position until the next Ordinary Congress, when a replacement will be elected for the remaining term of mandate. If a member of the Executive Committee fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee, without valid reason acceptable to the Executive Committee, then his position in the executive committee will be deemed to be vacant.
The Executive Committee shall meet at least three times a year.
The General Secretary shall convene the Executive Committee meetings with the consent of the President.
The General Secretary shall compile the agenda. Each member of the Executive Committee is entitled to propose items for inclusion in the agenda. The members of the Executive Committee must submit the points they wish to be included in the agenda for the meeting to the general secretary at least 15 days before the meeting. The agenda must be sent out to the members of the Executive Committee at least seven days before the meeting.
The meetings of the Executive Committee shall not be held in public. The Executive Committee may, however, invite parties to attend. Those third parties shall not have voting rights, and may only express an opinion with the permission of the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE 33: Powers of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee:
a) shall pass decisions on all cases that do not come within the sphere of responsibility of the Congress or are not reserved for other by law or under these Statutes;
b) shall prepare and convene the Ordinary and Extraordinary Congress of BFF;
c) shall appoint or dismiss the General Secretary on the proposal of the President
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d) shall appoint the coaches for representative teams and other technical staffs.
e) shall appoint the chairmen, deputy chairmen and members of the standing committees;
f) shall appoint the chairmen, deputy chairmen and members of the judicial bodies;
g) may decide to set up ad-hoc committees at any time;
h) shall compile the regulations for the organization of standing committees and ad-hoc committees;
i) The Executive Committee may revise on any decision of the standing committees and ad-hoc committees.
j) shall propose the independent auditors to the Congress;
k) shall decide the place and dates of and the number of teams participating in the competitions of BFF;
l) shall approve regulations stipulating how BFF shall be organized internally;
m) shall ensure that the Statutes are applied, and adopt the executive arrangements required for their application;
n) may dismiss a person or body or suspend a Member of BFF provisionally until the next Congress;
o) may delegate tasks arising out of its area of authority to other bodies of BFF or third parties.
p) Shall approve the tournament/league regulations.
ARTICLE 34: Decisions
The Executive Committee shall not engage in valid debate unless seven of its members are present.
The Executive Committee shall reach decisions by a simple majority of the members present. In the event of tied vote, the President shall have the casting vote. Voting by proxy or letter is not permitted.
Any member of the Executive Committee must withdraw from the debate and from taking a decision if there is any risk or possibility of a conflict of interests.
The decisions taken shall be recorded in the minutes.
The decisions taken by the Executive Committee shall come into effect immediately, unless the Executive Committee decides otherwise.
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ARTICLE 35: Dismissal of a person or body
The Congress shall dismiss a person or body. The Executive Committee may place the dismissal of a person on the agenda for the Congress. The Executive Committee may also dismiss a person or a body provisionally. Any Executive Committee member may submit a proposal to place such a motion for dismissal on the agenda of the Executive Committee or Congress.
The motion for dismissal must be justified. It will be sent to the Members of BFF along with the agenda.
The person or body in question has the right to speak in his or its own defence.
If the motion for dismissal is upheld, the Congress or Executive Committee shall reach a decision by means of secret ballot. For the motion to be passed, a majority of two-thirds of the valid votes is required.
The person or body dismissed (provisionally) must be relieved of his or its functions with immediate effect.
ARTICLE 36: President
This article governs the duties, powers and election of the President of BFF as a legal representative.
The President represents BFF legally.
The President is primarily responsible for:
a) implementing the decisions passed by the Congress and the Executive Committee through the general secretariat;
b) ensuring the effective functioning of the bodies of BFF in order that they achieve the objectives described in these Statutes;
c) relations between BFF and its Members, FIFA, AFC, SAFF, political bodies and other organizations.
The President shall preside over the Congress, the Executive Committee and the Emergency Committee meetings.
The President shall have an ordinary vote on the Executive Committee and, whenever votes are equal, shall have a casting vote.
If the President is absent or unavailable senior vice-president shall deputise. If both President and Senior Vice-President are unavailable 1st Vice-President shall act as president.
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Any additional powers of the President shall be contained in the internal organization regulations of BFF.
ARTICLE 37: Candidates for the office of the President
The President shall be elected by the Congress for a period of four years. His mandate shall begin after the end of the Congress which has elected him. A President may be re-elected.
ARTICLE 38: Representation and signature
The President or General Secretary represent BFF legally and are entitled to sign for BFF. The Executive Committee may set up internal organization regulations regarding the joint signature of officers, in particular, in case of the President's absence and concerning all important business of BFF.
ARTICLE 39: Emergency Committee
The Emergency Committee shall deal with all matters requiring immediate settlement between two meetings of the Executive Committee. The Emergency Committee shall consist of the President of BFF, Senior Vice-President, General Secretary and four members chosen from amongst the office Bearers by the Executive Committee for a period of 4 years or otherwise decided by the Executive Committee.
The President shall convene the Emergency Committee meetings. If a meeting cannot be convened within an appropriate period of time, decisions may be passed through other means of communication. Such decisions shall have immediate legal effect. The President shall notify the Executive Committee immediately of the decisions passed by the Emergency Committee.
All decisions taken by the Emergency Committee shall be ratified by the Executive Committee at its next meeting.
If the President is unable to attend a meeting of the Emergency Committee, the Senior Vice-President shall deputise.
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ARTICLE 40: Standing Committees
The Standing Committees of BFF are:
a) Appeal Committee
b) Disciplinary Committee
c) Emergency Committee
d) Competition Committee
e) Finance Committee;
f) Professional League Management Committee;
g) Development Committee;
h) National Teams Committee
i) Referees' Committee
j) Legal Committee;
k) Committee for Women's Football;
l) Futsal Committee;
m) Sports Medical Committee;
n) Players' Status Committee;
o) Committee for Ethics and Fair Play;
p) Media Committee;
q) Marketing Committee;
r) Security Committee;
s) Dhaka Metropolis League Committee;
The members of each standing committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee on the proposal of the Members of BFF or the President of BFF. The chairmen, deputy chairmen and the members of the standing committees shall be nominated by the Executive Committee and be designated for a term of office of specifically mentioned period.
Each chairman shall represent his committee and conduct business in compliance with the relevant organization regulations drawn up by the Executive Committee.
Each chairman shall fix the dates of meetings in collaboration with the General Secretary, ensure that all tasks are carried out and report back to the Executive Committee.
Each committee may propose amendments to its regulations to the Executive Committee.
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ARTICLE 41: Finance Committee
The Finance Committee shall monitor the financial management and advise the Executive Committee on financial matters and asset management. It shall analyse the budget of BFF and the financial statements prepared by the General Secretary and submit them to the Executive Committee for approval. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and three (3) members.
ARTICLE 42: Internal Audit Committee
The Internal Audit Committee shall ensure the completeness and reliability of the financial accounting and review the external auditors’ report at the request of the Executive Committee. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and three (3) members.
ARTICLE 43: Organizing Committee for BFF competitions
The organizing committee for BFF competitions shall organize the competitions of BFF in compliance with the provisions of these Statutes and the regulations applicable to BFF competitions. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and ten members if not otherwise decided by the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE 44: Professional League Management Committee
The organizing committee for the Bangladesh Professional League shall organize the Bangladesh Professional League in compliance with the provisions of these Statutes and the BFF regulations applicable to this competition. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and seven (7) members.
ARTICLE 45: Development Committee
The Development Committee shall be responsible for the overall development of football in Bangladesh, including developing the required strategies and overseeing their implementation. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and seven (7) members.
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ARTICLE 46: Technical Committee
The Technical Committee shall primarily analyse the basic aspect of football training and technical development. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and seven (7) members.
ARTICLE 47: National Teams Committee
The National Teams Committee shall supervise the matches and preparations of national teams, including recommending to the Executive Committee fixtures and participations in competitions and tournaments, team preparations and the technical and sport science support for National teams. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and seven members.
ARTICLE 48: Referees' Committee
The Referees' Committee shall implement the Laws of the Game. It shall appoint the referees for matches in competitions organized by BFF, organize refereeing matters within BFF in collaboration with the administration of BFF and monitor the education and training of referees. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and seven members.
ARTICLE 49: Legal Committee
The Legal Committee shall analyse basic legal issues relating to football and the evolution of the Statutes and regulations of BFF and its Members. It shall provide legal advice to the Executive Committee as required. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and three members.
ARTICLE 50: Committee for Women's Football
The Committee for Women's Football shall organize women's football competitions and deal with all matters relating to women's football. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and seven members.
ARTICLE 51: Futsal Committee
The Futsal Committee shall organize futsal competitions and deal with all matter relating to futsal. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and seven members.
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ARTICLE 52: Sports Medical Committee
The Sports Medical Committee shall deal with all medical and sports science aspects of football. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and seven members.
ARTICLE 53: Players' Status Committee
The Player Status Committee shall set up and monitor compliance with transfer regulations in accordance with the FIFA Regulations for the Status and Transfer of Players and determine the status of Players for various competitions of BFF. The Executive Committee may draw up special regulations governing the Players' Status Committee's powers of jurisdiction. The Players' Status Committee shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and three members.
Players' status disputes involving BFF, its Members, Players, Officials and match and players' agents shall be settled by an Arbitration Tribunal in accordance with these Statutes.
ARTICLE 54: Committee for Ethics and Fair Play
The Committee for Ethics and Fair Play shall deal with everything relating to ethics in football and the promotion of fair play. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and five members.
ARTICLE 55: Media Committee
The Media Committee shall deal with the working conditions for the media at BFF events and maintain relations with media organizations. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and seven members.
ARTICLE 56: Marketing Committee
The Marketing Committee shall advise the Executive Committee with regard to drafting and implementing contracts between BFF and its marketing/television partner and analyse marketing and television strategies that have been devised. It shall consist of a chairman, a deputy chairman and seven members.
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ARTICLE 57: Ad-hoc Committees
The Executive Committee may, if necessary, create ad-hoc committees for special duties for a limited period of time. The Executive Committee shall appoint a chairman, a deputy chairman and seven members. The duties and function are defined in special regulations drawn up by the Executive Committee. An ad-hoc committee shall report directly to the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE 58: General Secretariat
The General Secretariat shall carry out all the administrative work of BFF under the direction of the General Secretary. The members of the general secretariat are bound by the internal organizational regulations of BFF and shall fulfill the given tasks in the best manner.
ARTICLE 59: General Secretary
The General Secretary is the Chief Executive of the general secretariat.
He shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a specific period. The General Secretary shall work full time and will receive salary/honararium per month, fixed by the Executive Committee.
He shall be responsible for:
a) implementing decisions passed by the Congress and the Executive Committee in compliance with the President's directives;
b) attending the Congress and meetings of the Executive Committee (without voting right), Emergency Committee and the standing and ad-hoc committees;
c) organizing the Congress and meetings of the Executive Committee and other bodies;
d) compiling the minutes for the meeting of the Congress, Executive Committee, Emergency Committee and standing and ad-hoc committees;
e) managing and keeping the accounts of BFF properly;
f) the correspondence of BFF;
g) maintain relations with the Members, committees, FIFA and AFC and SAFF.
h) organizing the general secretariat;
i) to liaise with FIFA, AFC, SAFF and any other organizations for the promotions of the object of BFF.
j) the appointment and dismissal of staff working in the general secretariat
k) proposing managerial staff to the President;
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ARTICLE 60: Treasurer
The Treasurer of BFF may be appointed by the Executive Committee for a specific period. He shall prepare budget/Financial statements and present it before the congress. He shall assist General Secretary in day to day financial activities.
ARTICLE 61: Deputy General Secretary
One Deputy General Secretary may be appointed by the Executive Committee for a specific period. The Deputy General Secretary so appointed shall assist General Secretary for day to day works. In absence of the General Secretary the Deputy General Secretary shall act as General Secretary. He will be entitled to receive salary/ honararium, be fixed by the Exco.
ARTICLE 62: Assistant General Secretary
One Assistant General Secretary may be appointed by the Executive Committee for a specific period. The Assistant General Secretary shall assist General Secretaries for all day to day works or any other special work assigned by the President or General Secretary. In the absence of General Secretary and Deputy General Secretary he shall function as acting general secretary so assigned by the General Secretary. He will be entitled to receive salary/ honorarium fixed by Exco.
ARTICLE 63: Judicial bodies
The judicial bodies of BFF are:
a) the Disciplinary Committee
b) the Appeals Committee
The responsibilities and functions of these shall be stipulated in the Disciplinary Code of BFF, which shall comply with the FIFA/AFC Disciplinary Code.
The decision-making powers of other committees remain unaffected.
The members of the judicial bodies may not belong to any other body of BFF at the same time.
ARTICLE 64: Disciplinary Committee
The Disciplinary Committee shall consist of a chairman, deputy chairman and three members. The Chairman and the deputy chairman suitably shall have legal qualifications.
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The function of this body shall be governed by the Disciplinary Code of BFF. The committee shall pass decisions only when at least three members, including either the Chairman or Deputy Chairman are present. In certain cases, the chairman may rule alone in accordance with the Disciplinary Code of BFF.
The committee may pronounce the sanctions described in these Statutes and the Disciplinary Code of BFF on Members, Officials, Players, Clubs and match and players agents.
These provisions are subject to the disciplinary powers of the Congress and the Executive Committee with regard to the suspension and Expulsion of Members.
ARTICLE 65: Appeals Committee
The Appeals Committee shall consist of a chairman, deputy chairman and three members. The chairman and deputy chairman suitably shall have legal qualifications.
The function of this body shall be governed by the Disciplinary Code of BFF. The committee shall pass decisions only when at least three members, including either the Chairman or Deputy Chairman are present. In certain cases, the chairman may rule alone in accordance with the Disciplinary Code of BFF.
The Appeals Committee is responsible for hearing appeals against decisions from the Disciplinary Committee that are not declared final.
ARTICLE 66: Disciplinary measures
The disciplinary measures are primarily:
for natural and legal persons:
a) a warning;
b) a reprimand
c) a fine;
d) the return of awards.
for natural persons:
a) a caution;
b) an expulsion;
c) a match suspension;
d) a ban from the dressing rooms and/or the substitutes bench;
e) a ban from entering the stadium;
f) a ban on taking part in any football-related activity.
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for legal persons:
a) a transfer ban;
b) playing match without spectators;
c) playing a match on neutral territory;
d) a ban on playing in a particular stadium;
e) annulment of the result of the match.
f) expulsion;
g) a forfeit;
h) deduction of points;
i) relegation to a lower division.
ARTICLE 67: Arbitration
BFF shall create an Arbitration Tribunal, which shall deal with all internal/ national disputes between BFF, its Members, Players, Officials and match and players agents that do not fall under the jurisdiction of its judicial bodies. The Executive Committee shall draw up special regulations regarding the composition, jurisdiction and procedural rules of this Arbitration Tribunal.
ARTICLE 68: Jurisdiction
BFF, its Members, Players, Officials and match and players agents will not take any dispute to Ordinary Courts unless specifically provided for in these Statues and FIFA regulations. Any disagreement shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of FIFA, AFC or BFF.
BFF shall have jurisdiction on internal national disputes, i.e. disputes between parties belonging to BFF. FIFA shall have jurisdiction on international disputes, i.e. disputes between parties belonging to different Associations and/or Confederations.
ARTICLE 69: Court of Arbitration for Sport
In accordance with Article 59 and 60 of the FIFA Statutes, any appeal against a final and binding FIFA decision shall be heard by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne, Switzerland. CAS shall not, however, hear appeals on violations of the Laws of the Game, suspensions of up to four matches or up to three months, or decisions passed by an independent and duly constituted Arbitration Tribunal of an Association or Confederation.
BFF shall ensure its full compliance and that of its Members, Players, Officials and match and players agents with any final decision passed by a FIFA body or CAS.
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ARTICLE 70: Financial period
The financial period of BFF shall be one year and shall begin on 1st January and end on 31st December each year.
The revenue and Expenses of BFF shall be managed so that they balance out over the financial period. BFF's major duties in the future shall be guaranteed through the creation of reserves.
ARTICLE 71: Revenue
The revenue of BFF arises specifically from:
a) Members annual subscriptions:
b) receipts generated by the marketing of rights to which BFF is entitled;
c) fines imposed by the authorized bodies;
d) other subscriptions and receipts in keeping with the objectives pursued by BFF.
ARTICLE 72: Expenses
BFF bears:
a) the Expenses stipulated in the budget;
b) other Expenses approved by the Congress and expenses that the Executive Committee is entitled to incur within the scope of its authority;
c) all other Expenses in keeping with the objectives pursued by BFF.
ARTICLE 73: Independent Auditors
The independent auditors appointed by the Congress shall audit the accounts approved by the Finance Committee in accordance with the appropriate principles of accounting and present a report to the Congress. The auditors shall be appointed for a period of two years. This mandate may be renewed.
ARTICLE 74 Membership subscriptions
Membership subscriptions are due on 1st January each year. The annual subscription for new Members for the year in question shall be paid within 30 days of the close of the Congress at which they are admitted.
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The Congress shall fix the amount of annual subscription every year on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. It shall be the same for every Member and amount shall be BDT 1000 (one thousand).
ARTICLE 75 Settlement
BFF may debit any members assets to settle claims.
ARTICLE 76 Levies
BFF may demand that a levy be paid by its Members for matches.
ARTICLE 77 Competitions
BFF organizes and coordinates the following official competitions held within the territory. Such as Professional League, National League, National Championships, Youth Championships, tournaments, cup competitions, women’s competitions and other official competitions. The Executive Committee may delegate to BFF’s subordinate League the authority to organize competitions.
The Executive Committee may issue special regulations to this end.
ARTICLE 78 Club licensing
The Executive Committee of BFF will set up regulations regarding a club licensing system governing the participation of Clubs in competitions of BFF.
ARTICLE 79 Rights
BFF and its Members are the original owners of all of the rights emanating from competitions and other events coming under their respective jurisdiction, without any restrictions as to content, time, place and law. These rights include, among others, every kind of financial rights, multimedia rights, marketing and promotional rights and incorporeal rights such as emblems and rights arising under copyright law.
The Executive Committee shall decide how and to what Extent these rights are utilized and draw up special regulations to this end. The Executive Committee shall alone decide whether these rights shall be utilized exclusively, jointly with a third party or entirely through a third party.
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ARTICLE 80 Authorization
BFF and its Members are exclusively responsible for authorizing the distribution of image and sound and other data carriers of football matches and events coming under their respective jurisdiction, without any restrictions as to content, time, place and technical and legal aspects.
ARTICLE 81 International matches and competitions
The authority for organizing international matches and competitions between Association teams and between League and/ or Club teams lies solely with FIFA/AFC. Permission from the relevant Confederation(s) may be required in accordance with the FIFA regulations.
BFF is bound to comply with the International match calendar compiled by FIFA.
ARTICLE 82 Contacts
BFF shall not play matches or make sporting contacts with the Association that are not members of FIFA or provisional members of a Confederation without the approval of FIFA.
ARTICLE 83 Approval
Clubs, Leagues or any other group of Clubs that are affiliated to BFF cannot belong to another Association or participate in competitions on the territory of another Associations without the authorization of BFF and the prospective Association and of FIFA, except in Excepting circumstances.
ARTICLE 84 Unforeseen contingencies and force majeure
The Executive Committee shall have the final decision on any matters not provided for in the Statutes or in cases of force majeure.
ARTICLE 85 Dissolution
Any decision relating to the dissolution of BFF requires a majority of two-thirds of all of the Members of BFF, which must be obtained at a Congress specially convened for the purpose.
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If BFF is disbanded, its assets shall be transferred to National Sports Council (to be completed by the Association). It shall hold these assets “until BFF is re-established. The final Congress may, however, choose another recipient for the assets on the basis of a two-thirds majority.
ARTICLE 86 Enforcement
These Statutes were adopted at the Congress in Dhaka on 27-03-2008 and will come into force on 27-03-2008.